Standing Up for Oregon

Fighting For Oregon Families
As a working mom herself, Courtney knows that supporting working families helps our entire economy and our future. Caregivers and parents have been especially impacted by the pandemic, as work, home, and education have merged more than ever before. She has championed Oregon’s Paid Family and Medical Leave, childcare reforms, and investments in critical workforce, helped to address the rising cost of living, and expanded critical services for Oregonians of all ages. In 2021 and 2022, Courtney introduced successful legislation to ensure every child in foster care has a well-trained Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) by their side. Courtney will always fight for working families and vulnerable community members.

Responding to Homelessness
and Housing affordability
Courtney wants everyone to have a safe, stable place to call home. She knows that rising costs, lack of housing inventory, substance abuse, access to mental healthcare, and systemic oppression have exposed many Oregonians to extreme vulnerability across our State. Courtney will continue to support strategic investments to address homelessness, including ensuring housing supply meets the needs of our communities, connecting unhoused people with critical services and shelter, investing in improved addiction and mental healthcare, and preserving our affordable housing inventory so seniors and residents on fixed-incomes can stay in their homes.

Championing Affordable Healthcare
and Reproductive Rights
Courtney believes that healthcare is a human right that should be affordable and accessible to all Oregonians, not just the wealthy. She will continue to fight to lower prescription drug prices, invest in expanded mental health services, protect Medicaid, and advocate for mobile health solutions to ensure that everyone in our community has access to care.
Courtney will continue to defend every Oregonian’s ability to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions. She understands the critical role she plays as a legislator when the Supreme Court of the United States undermines our basic human rights. We can count on Courtney to protect privacy and access to safe and legal abortion.

Addressing Community Safety
Courtney is a strong advocate for investments in proven solutions that prevent violence and ensure safe communities built on trust. She endorses the Reduction of Gun Violence Act (IP 17, 2022) and policies that promote common sense gun safety. She has supported bipartisan police accountability, wildfire resilience, and oil-by-rail safety legislation. She is an advocate for mental health resources, voting to fully fund our 9-8-8 emergency mental health support line, and has introduced numerous pieces of legislation to address gaps in our response to domestic violence. As a member of the School Safety Task Force and The Statewide Fire Safety Policy Council, Courtney advocates for policies and investments that save lives.

Supporting workers &
Small Businesses
Courtney knows that small businesses are the backbone of our economy. She has helped stabilize workers and small businesses throughout the pandemic through numerous worker relief and business grant programs, paycheck protections, investments in Small Business Development Centers, and increased loans for small business entrepreneurs from $100,000 to $1 million. She helped pass historic investments in workforce development to attract and train workers for critical sector jobs, as well as connect startups and entrepreneurs with job seekers in our community colleges. We can count on Courtney to continue making sure workers and small businesses are supported.

Protecting our Environment
Courtney is committed to protecting Oregon’s vast natural beauty and resources for future generations. She is a champion for policies that address environmental health impacts of toxins in toys and cosmetics, air pollution, pipeline safety, and pesticides. She understands we must continue to invest in clean energy jobs training and sustainable transportation solutions while also supporting responsible land use and critical climate adaptations relative to increasingly extreme weather. Courtney will continue to fight for stronger standards for toxins, working lands and wildlife protections across Oregon.

Confronting Bias in our Policies
Courtney knows we must continue to address ageism, ableism, classism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and racism in our institutions. She is committed to continuing to stand up against bias and injustice in our communities, defending voting rights and vote-by-mail, advancing criminal justice reforms, and addressing inequities and disparate outcomes in healthcare. Courtney is committed to centering the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color advocates and supporting the work of her colleagues in the BIPOC legislative caucus. Courtney will help our legislature continue to evolve in welcoming Oregonians of diverse identities, backgrounds, and lived experiences.

Investing Responsibly In Education
As an educator, Courtney knows firsthand that students learn best in safe and welcoming classrooms in fully-funded schools. She has secured game-changing funding for smaller K-12 class sizes, mental health supports in schools, summer-learning and nutrition programs, and expanded opportunities for Oregon students. As Vice Chair of the House Education Committee, Courtney will continue to advocate for stability, accountability, and resources to strengthen our schools and ensure that diverse pathways to careers are open to all students. She is focused on combating workforce shortages through policies and investments that attract and retain great teachers who are ready to build stronger schools where every student can succeed.
Building Community, Investing Locally
Courtney works hard to ensure that vital projects serving our district get the funding they need. Thanks to Courtney’s leadership, her house district has received:
- $4 million secured for the Sherwood Pedestrian Bridge to connect the town across Highway 99W.
- $1.9 million for the new transit-oriented workforce housing development to be built adjacent to the Wilsonville Transit Center.
- $1 million invested directly in health and human services, including: Wilsonville Community Sharing, Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine free health clinic, Community Action of Washington County, a new county mobile health van, and Just Compassion homeless shelter expansion.
- $1 million in local broadband infrastructure improvements in Wilsonville, Sherwood, and King City.
- $300,000 for the I-5 Boone Bridge Project cost-to-complete study and ODOT report.
- A newly-installed Kinder MorganPipeline automatic shut-off valve at the Willamette River in Wilsonville. (This was paid for by the company after conversations with city and state leaders and will ensure that in an earthquake or unexpected rupture the pipeline will stop flow to protect river health and community safety.)
Courtney’s district infrastructure advocacy in the future will include:
- The extension of the Cleanwater Services recycled water line through King City to ease stress on the Tualatin River watershed.
- Investments in King City Community Park: resurfacing the track and trails to meet ADA standards, rehabilitation of stream bank vegetation, and construction of a park restroom facility.
- Districtwide wetland rehabilitation and protection.